Category Archives: Artwork


For the last 2 months I’m completely occupied with RecastNavigation – porting and bugfixing, with addition of rigging now, which goes slowly .. very slowly. On the brighter side – here’s a little glimpse of whats going on behind the scenes (aka … Continue reading

Posted in Artwork, Sidenotes | 9 Comments

Painting stones

Been doing Sawmill textures this whole week by evenings and I must say – painting textures is my new passion 🙂  

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 3 Comments

Painting textures is a hard work

Spent around 8 hours drawing these painted wood planks for the sawmill roof (or some other roof if we change it to be thatched).

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School sketch

Last few weeks I’ve been busy contracting freelancers to make us some more sketches. So let’s see how house design process goes on example of School.

Posted in Artwork, How things work | 11 Comments

Camp sketch

Since I don’t have enough time/skill to do everything by myself, from time to time I try to find someone to help. This time I’ve found a couple of sketch artists.

Posted in Artwork, How things work | 6 Comments

Drawing a button

Here’s an excerpt from last 1,5 hours that I’ve spent designing a button for NG. This button to be exact:

Posted in Artwork | 2 Comments

Drawing icons

Here I’ll try to explain how icons are being made for NG and why they are being made this way.

Posted in Artwork, How things work | 3 Comments

Preliminary wares icons done

Just as planned – are all wares icons done. So far they are just preliminary sketches, but some are already looking nice. Proceed inside!

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 3 Comments

Working on ware icons

Developing a game without graphics is hard. For example, opening Storage house and seeing set of empty squares with numbers below – what are these invisible wares? That was irritating me for a long time, so at last I got … Continue reading

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Farmer artwork

New artwork – the Farmer:  

Posted in Artwork | 2 Comments