Category Archives: Screenshots

House notifications icons

After watching second part of Knights Province play ( I’ve decided to look into house notifications. As of Alpha 7.1, they indicate when a house if missing a worker, or a connecting road (these are 2 very popular situations for … Continue reading

Posted in Ideas, Live progress, Screenshots | 10 Comments

Wip on pop-up messages

Working on adding pop-up messages. Much needed in Town Toturial 🙂 Early screenshot:

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots, Sidenotes | 6 Comments

Selective terrain painting

Implemented another “must-have” feature in Map Editor: painting of terrain surfaces into allowed areas (ground, water, mountains). The screen shows how Sand brush was applied to “ground-only” area – notice how water and mountains remained intact, while terrain surface changed.

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots, Sidenotes | 3 Comments

Another bunch of work

Fixed another couple of bugs revealed during automated testing. Been redoing flat buttons: They are still far from perfect. Next step will be to change grey menu backgrounds into something stone/leather/plaster-like. Probably darker shade. Changed new Map Editor terrains selection … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots, Sidenotes | 3 Comments

Improved undo/redo menu

Undo/Redo menu got its own mini-form now, so now you can see what undo steps are available and what did they include, also you can see redo steps in the same way:

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots | 5 Comments

Lasso tools for MapEd

Knights Province needs more content, including more maps. Mapmaking takes a lot of time which is spent on repetitive tasks. Mountains, forests, stone fields and such. There is a new tool now for these tasks – lasso selection with an … Continue reading

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Serfs will collect wares from Stockpiles in Alpha 8:

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots, Sidenotes | 5 Comments

Implementing stockpiles

Implementing stockpiles into the game:

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots, Sidenotes | 3 Comments

New perspective

Implementing house rotation and viewing game from new perspective:

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots, Sidenotes, Uncategorized | 10 Comments

Reworking fighting mechanics

This week I was working on new fighting mechanics for Knights Province. I want fights to be a little less random. Hence units will have a lot of hitpoints and proper damage range. Should these numbers show to a player? … Continue reading

Posted in Ideas, Live progress, Screenshots | 21 Comments