Whats new with Knights Province?

It has been 2 months since last progress report. Hopefully new post will come up much sooner than in April =)

Most importantly – development goes on! I’m still finding time every few days to work on the game, write code, think through ideas, discuss about the game, reply to emails and Skype.

Last week HeavyBrain has made 2 more units – Baker and Carpenter:


Animating them is a separate task, which may be delayed till Alpha 9 or later. You can notice, that models look a bit different compared to previous units, mostly due to several months span in between making them. At some point I’m going to line up all units and color-correct re-paint details to make them more uniform.

The only remaining citizen unit without a model is Tailor. I’m not sure if he will remain in the game “as is”. There are still doubts about how units get trained/hired in School/Fort/Barracks and wares they require (Cloth, Gold).

Alpha 7 touched unit-hiring topic lightly with introduction of Cottage houses. Intent is to generate serfs for free in Cottages and then train/hire them in School/Fort. I plan for Alpha 8 to fully feature this idea.

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Improved undo/redo menu

Undo/Redo menu got its own mini-form now, so now you can see what undo steps are available and what did they include, also you can see redo steps in the same way:


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Lasso tools for MapEd

Knights Province needs more content, including more maps.

Mapmaking takes a lot of time which is spent on repetitive tasks. Mountains, forests, stone fields and such.

There is a new tool now for these tasks – lasso selection with an automatic fill:


Testing how lasso selection translates to tiles


Testing how lasso selection translates to vertices


Automatic mountain


Automatic forest with decorations

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Serfs will collect wares from Stockpiles in Alpha 8:


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3 years

Knights Province has been in works for 3 years now. Just wow ..

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Implementing stockpiles

Implementing stockpiles into the game:


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Thoughts aloud on storage

Why do we ever need storages? Every extra resource spending its time in storage is just dead weight. Even worse, every time resource gets brought to and then taken from storage costs extra time and needs some unit to perform. In efficient economy resources get converted to target product continuously.

Why do we still need storages?

  • Firstly we need them for startup resources. Self-sustained town is our goal, but we still have to start somewhere. Growing a town from just a “seed” is a great fun.
  • Buffering. No matter how good and balanced the town production chains are, there are still times when resource production is stalling (e.g. when worker goes to eat). For these cases we need to keep supply busy and temporarily buffer resources somewhere – up to 5 items fits in each house, for more, additional storage is needed.
  • Avoiding running costs of resulting products. Army is a product of economy in RTS games. Unlike many other games, Knights Province army has a running cost – it needs food. Keeping army in “disassembled” state, in form of warfare and not trained recruits saves us food.

Now let’s see how Knights Province handles that:

  • Camp is a startup resources storage – it holds just the bare minimum to get the town-building up and running. Providing buffering for early resources.
  • Each house is a small storage in itself, with up to 5 resources in input and output.
  • Store is a pure buffer – it smooths out resources production and consumption flow of advances wares.
  • Fort and Barracks are resource storages. They hold resources ready to be transformed into warriors.

Could we do better than that? What other kinds of storages we could use?

  • Wagon is a mobile/bonus/pickup storage. Basic form is already implemented. Further development might allow for wares transportation by players command (e.g. PvP trade).
  • Resources laying on ground, that could be picked up by serfs. This is actually pretty interesting idea that allows for building a town from scratch. Resources could be brought to roads/houses building sites in advance without being lost. Serfs could lay down unneeded wares on ground instead of throwing them away them. Some interesting dynamic script mechanics could appear (e.g. wares spawn in the center of the map and players must compete to collect them with Serfs or Wagons.
Posted in Ideas | 5 Comments

New perspective

Implementing house rotation and viewing game from new perspective:


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Alpha 7.1 update

Alpha 7.1 has been updated.

I have got a lot of crashreports with error in “TFormViewport.UpdateUI” function. They were caused by accessing freed memory. This update fixes it.

New version is Alpha 7.1 r4421

Download links remained the same:
Knights Province Alpha 7.1 (7z package)
[Download not found]

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Alpha 7.1

Alpha 7.1 features a dozen of bugfixes and improvements (updated to r4382).

Download links:
Knights Province Alpha 7.1 (7z package)
[Download not found]

Full list of changes below:

Continue reading

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