Alpha 4

I positively hate writing news posts.

It’s been a long time since Alpha 3, almost 600 revisions. I had plans to include new navigation model into Alpha 4, but .. even with good progress on Caster, it still takes a LOT of effort to get done. And even more to get it done right. So long story short – why not release everything else that got improved in Alpha 4 and postpone Caster to later version? 😉

Alpha 4 features a lot of improvements in many areas – I have tried to list them below. Most important are unit models and nice skeletal animation.


Feedback is welcome here in comments, in English forum (link), Russian forum (link), on Facebook (link) and everywhere else!

Download:  Knights Province Alpha 4

Changes in code and functionality:

  • Made F11 menu 3-state (none-status-devmenu)
  • New campaigns popup instead of page
  • Records page
  • Change base terrain height in MapEd (via “resize” menu)
  • Support for weight-mapped skeletal models (weights with percentages, 2 for now)
  • Textured wares in serfs hands
  • Textured units (with fixed DUVs)
  • Preview units locations when moving/rotating groups
  • Reworked and unified F11 panel across tools
  • Add common house/unit/ware types to be used in script instead of ids
  • Add a target time to workplan and lerp all the work stages to it
  • Changed terrain equalize brush in MapEd, now it produces more natural results
  • .. and many more changes I forgot to register

Changes in art:

  • Models and rigs for Serf, Worker, Stonecutter
  • Just models for Woodcutter, Axeman
  • Placeholder animals models (wolf, bear, deer, boar)
  • .. and some more changes I forgot to register


  • Giving move order via mini map (units walks near the edge of the map and stop there instead of heading towards given direction)
  • You can place gold mine on gold mountain plan, even though it’s red.
  • Iron/Gold/Stone are now shown on minimap
  • Fixed Iron/Gold mines placement highlight
  • Range errors when reloading maps in MapEd
  • Doing trades in Market crashed the game
  • Repainting same tile again in MapEd does not work
  • Cannot edit weapons count in Fort in MapEd
  • After changing resolution, all buildings and trees become darker
  • In MapEd houses can be placed on top of decals
  • AI training recruits for Fort, but not counting them
  • Depletion of stone for stonecutter causes a crash
  • Road/Field plans can be placed over decals (e.g. stone deposits)
  • .. and many more fixes I forgot to register
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Live Progress #45 – Need campaigns

I figure the game needs a short campaign to tie up existing test missions together. Been working on that in past week:

2015-11-18 campaigns

2015-11-18 campaign

Planning to make the second mission dedicated to resources mining. And here’s a little guarded bonus for explorers:

2015-11-18 guarded wagon

Whole thing is still largely wip and a lot will change, but for now this mission helps me to polish the wagon interactions.

Other advancements:

  • More unit models and animations
  • Recolored terrain surfaces
  • Lots of things I cant remember now
  • Improved height brushes in MapEd
  • Allowed to select and save campaign maps from MapEd menus, no need to copy files manually anymore
  • Terrain height can be changed globally in MapEd now
  • Lots of bugfixes and minor improvements

Bonus info: KP scripting now has Actions.UnitOwnerChange. So that this wagon could be easily transferred with all its contents to the player once he defeats the guards.

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Public wiki

Public wiki was set and is planned to store script commands and other lookup materials at
You can also file Issues and requests at

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Live Progress #44 – Previewing animations

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Animations sidenote

Asked to send me a rigged and animated character for a test. Came in in FBX format. Surprisingly it imported well into Lightwave and exported into Knights Province animation format without a glitch. The only downside is that the rig had much too many bones for the game (86) and was rotated 90 degrees. The game’s engine can handle up to just 16. Had to trim the excess for a test. Of course later on, with dedicated animations I can raise the limit and order animations with less bones. All in all I’m very happy to see it is working out so well. Hope to tease you with some screens/videos later 🙂

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Live Progress #43 – Misc

Taking a break from Caster, did a playtest and found and fixed a bunch of smaller issues:

  • Stone/Iron/Gold decals will be shown on the minimap correctly now
  • Stone roads will have more tints and become a bit darker
  • Group direction selector now previews all members locations
  • House tablets will be placed with a little random rotation
  • Forts “train” button will properly update on stock change now
  • Iron/Gold house plans will be shown correctly now
  • Scripting will now use TKMHouseType/TKMUnitType/TKMWareType instead of IDs (described in previous post)
  • several more minor issues
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Live Progress #42 – Caster and enums

Caster issues continue to occur, but also grows the list of fixed ones. When before Caster was tested 100% in a staged environment, now it is 50/50 between staged and actual game.

2015-10-06 caster farmer

Some of the issues are:

  • Agent needs to walk through in-between 2 locked agents
  • Agent should not hesitate approaching another agent if his target is in front of him
  • Group of agents walking through corridor should not clog it while trying all to register at a waypoint
  • Agents approaching house entrances from the side often look unnatural

On a different note – while staging in-game tests for Caster, I got frustrated with how unit/house/ware types were hard to use. This got me thinking and testing, what if enums were available? And they seem to be. For a quick example:

procedure OnTick(aTick: Integer);
H: Integer;
H := States.HouseAt(6, 7);

if (States.HouseWareInside(H, wt_Grain)) >= 5 then
Actions.PlayerWin([0], True);

Now this syntax should be much easier to use!

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Live Progress #41 – Caster report

Good news – work continues!

Over the weekend I have successfully corrected the problem with two or more agents going for the same target and getting stuck, because no one had a clear priority over others. I have tried two different ideas and choose the best.
Also greatly improved pushing out of idle agents.
Changes and improvements were also made to other parts, such as pathfinding and selection of the next waypoint en route.
Many additions were also made to the debug rendering, for easier isolation of problems and debugging.

Now there are two relatively easy problems:
– In the narrow corridor agents often interfere with their neighbors, if they did not touch the waypoint while walking past it. Here the solution is already known – needs just implementing and debug.
– Idle agents are much too “scared” sometimes. If some other agents approaches them and stops one tile short, they run back around 1/5 of tile. I still need to re think how to solve that, because this behavior is a part of the interaction and collision avoidance algorithms.

All-in-all everything is going pretty well so far 🙂

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Caster at the end of the day


Today was one of the most productive days in a few weeks – Caster shows some good results for massive counts of agents:

2015-09-19 massive navigation

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Caster sidenote

Problem with agents pushed into unwalkable areas seems to be fixed – instead of trying to keep the on walkable, wrote a “push back to walkable” function.

Now to the next problem – pathfinding!

P.S. Navigation calls units – agents, sounds neat. Agent “Serf” bringing stone to agent “Builder” 😉

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