Live Progress #36 – 3D models in GUI

Made 3D models to render as GUI elements – this feature is much required for MapEd map objects palette. Crude so far, but working:

2015-05-11 3d models over gui

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Strange Attractor

Developing an RTS game is not only the code and art. Game design is a big thing too. I’m subscribed to a lot of newsfeeds from many game related sites and blogs. RTS games are quite rare today. Reading I have stumbled upon a new interesting term, which inspired me to write an article.

The term in question is – “Strange Attractor” (SA for short). Quoting Terry Rossio (blog), he describes the SA as follows:

Put ‘strange’ (meaning ‘unique’) and ‘attractor’ (from ‘attractive’, meaning ‘compelling’) together and you get ‘strange attractor’, or ‘something unique that is also compelling’.

There must be some aspect that is compelling, enticing, and intriguing.

You could call it a hook, or a gimmick, or a twist. Hollywood sometimes calls it a ‘high concept’ — an idea for a movie that can be stated in one or two sentences.

In other words, SA concept says that many interesting movies are born from two parents – Strange and Attractive. We take something familiar and attractive to us and add something strange and unique. The form could be simplified down to one sentence actually – “The game like A, but with B”.

Classic examples would be:

  • The game like Dune II, but with orcs vs. humans – Warcraft.
  • The game like Warcraft II but in space – Starcraft.
  • The game like GTA but about mafia – Mafia.
  • The game like SimCity but made the way it is meant to be – Cities: Skylines.
  • The game like Diablo but based on ancient history – Titans Quest.
  • The game like Warcraft III but with a single map – DOTA.
  • The game like Wolfenstein 3D but against demons on Mars – Doom.

There are more examples from around Settlers-like games too. I use the term Settlers-like to describe an RTS game mainly focused on town-building with variety of resources and production chains (those are often called German-school RTS). Let’s list some:

The Settlers-like game:

  • .. but about pirates – Tropico
  • .. but with trading – Anno
  • .. but about defending a castle – Stronghold
  • .. but suited for offline play – Settlers Online
  • .. but with proper army control – Knights and Merchants

Now here’s a thought – what can SA bring to KP? One can argue 3D is enough of a change, but today 3D is “Attractive”, not “Strange”. Here are my thought on the matter. The game like classic German-school RTS:

  • .. but against undead. There could be a new undead race competing with humans. As big as like orcs in Warcraft.
  • .. but fast-paced. How about cutting the typical match from 75 min down to 30?
  • .. but turn-based. Crazy thought.
  • .. but MMO. Not our scale sadly.
  • .. but up to modern GUI standards. Meaning 3D and user interface interaction.
  • .. but casual. No roads, no deliveries, just production and army. I don’t like this idea.
  • .. but filled with gore and evil. Something alike Diablo 1 atmosphere. Meh..
  • .. but with ..
Posted in Ideas | 17 Comments

Live Progress #35 – Unit icons

Another day and another small advancement. Today I felt like doing some drawing. Did a bunch of on unit icons to be used in statistics, house info and map editor menus:

2015-05-04 unit iconsAs you can see before that it was quite impossible to distinguish between units. Now at least half of them have icons. Test – can you guess who is who? 😉

The icons are made in vector and downscaled (much alike described in this article). Hopefully those icons won’t stay like so for too long and will become much better.

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 21 Comments

Live Progress #34 – House animations

Been working on several things this week:

  • refactoring maps scanner to allow to delete maps from the main menu. With the amount of test maps and builds, they quickly get outdated and need to be cleaned up once every while;
  • rigging RecastNavigation tester to allow to edit more of the agents parameters on-the-fly and clocking test cases. To my disappointment RN is still very raw;
  • workplans editor form, so far in preview mode, to allow to view all the workplans in the game and the time they take in game ticks. Will be very helpful later on when balancing production chains;
  • as usual – more refactorig, bugfixes and planning;
  • and finally, made the house animations proof of concept. Here’s the first house animation – Windmill blades at 5 rpm (in game they do):

2015-05-04 mill blades

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Knights Province new home

Thanks to help from Lewin and Tom, Knights Province has a new home at:

Along with that KP also got an official e-mail address:

Update your bookmarks 😉

Posted in News, Site | 3 Comments

FAQ expansion

Thanks Anon for asking, I have expanded the FAQ page with more questions and answers!

  • What kind of license this project will have, will it be open-source?
  • What systems do you plan to release KP on?
  • When is it going to be ready/released?
  • What is KP connection with KaM Remake?
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Houses sketches

These are sketches of Knights Province houses.


This sheet is composed of many (but not all) wip houses. Many houses are still missing. You may note that several houses are made by different artists, even more, some are duplicate because the design was not fit for the game. It takes time, trial and error to arrive to the final design. Almost all houses will change along the development and conversion to 3D. You can read more about the process of creation of individual sketch in this article.

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 17 Comments


There is a new page on the site – Contributing. It explains what needs to be done before contributing to the project and lists kinds of contributions that the Knights Province needs.

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This is a special post to recap what has been going on for the past 1,5 years.

Media library:

A list of most notable posts since Knights Province devblog was started in late 2013. Many answers can be found in these:

Despite amount of time spent, the game has just crossed the Alpha stage. So I hope to release an Alpha Preview in next few months. Stay tuned!

Posted in Early plans, News | 3 Comments

Tweaking Recast Navigation

Recast Navigation is working better and better. It’s still far from being a replacement to our old and trustworthy Tiled, but major porting and rigging problems seem to be resolved now. What remains are inherent RN issues, one of which are deadlock situations. Those I’ve been dealing with for the past few days.

Continue reading

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