Live Progress #29 – Recast Navigation lib is mostly ported, yay!

Majority of Recast Navigation code has been finally ported to Delphi.

2014-12-14 Recast Navigation Demo

Now I can switch back to more NG-related things. Plan is to make a test tool that will load NG map and try to build a Recast NavMesh on top of it, much like the demo above, but with an NG map instead of demo level.

2014-12-14 Preparing for Recast NavigationHere on the screen is the first step of it – making a polymesh to feed into RecastNavigation navmesh generator.

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Porting Recast Navigation to Delphi, wip

This thing is monstrous! Luckily it’s simple and does not use any advanced data structures or C++ trickery.

State of the ported code:

  • NavMesh building works (will probably replace it with our implementation anyway, cos it’s rigged well with the AI),
  • Pathfinding over said NavMesh works (and that’s very nice),
  • Crowd simulation – heavily wip.
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Pathfinding and unit interaction

Pathfinding and unit interaction (PUI) is a subsystem in the game responsible for most of the unit movements and interactions.

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Making House more data-driven

Today’s houses got more data-driven. Now it’s XML that governs which units can be trained in School/Fort/Barracks. Neat when you want to rebalance it 🙂

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Sidenote on wares

Spent this weekend coding the new wares handling for the houses. Now all the houses (except Market) store their wares in the same manner. This allows to experiment with Store/Barrcks/Camp/Fort wares set much more easily then before, without need to worry about special cases like “if ware is wtAll and house is htStore then ..”.

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1k Anniversary addon

There’s one item I forgot to include into the “1k anniversary” post. I did not made it to the previous post date, but now, a day later, it is ready.

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1k Anniversary

NextGame was born around a year ago. It’s time to summarize a little.

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Praise to automatization tools!

  • Search files by mask and contents with Agent Ransack
  • Open 326 text files in Notepad++ at once
  • Replace tool working on all opened files
  • Save all
  • Commit!
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Painting stones

Been doing Sawmill textures this whole week by evenings and I must say – painting textures is my new passion 🙂


Basement stones texture for Sawmill


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What level of graphics will NG try to achieve in the end?

TL;DR: It’s hard to say. I don’t think there’s a game which style I could name a 100% reference.

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