Painting textures is a hard work

Spent around 8 hours drawing these painted wood planks for the sawmill roof (or some other roof if we change it to be thatched).

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School sketch

Last few weeks I’ve been busy contracting freelancers to make us some more sketches. So let’s see how house design process goes on example of School.


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Posted in Artwork, How things work | 11 Comments

Camp sketch

Since I don’t have enough time/skill to do everything by myself, from time to time I try to find someone to help. This time I’ve found a couple of sketch artists.

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Live progress #28 – CiderMaker house sketch and apple orchard

Here is something new, green and tasty 🙂


Wireframe apples

For in-game screen and details, proceed inside ..

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Live progress #27 – Woodcutter and Sawmill update

Woodcutters cabin got improved. There’s new roof and some tree plants on the back. Sawmill scale updated to better fit the units scale.

2014-09-03 woodcutter and sawmill

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Live progress #26 – Font Generator tool

Font generator tool has been upgraded to work with font presets and effects.

2014-08-29 menu font

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Live progress #25 – Grain growth

Okay, this took longer than I expected. It’s almost 3 weeks since last LP report. I was busy with many different things and not all of them are done yet. But, here’s something self-contained:

2014-08-29 grain cycle

Grain life cycle

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Signs of life

I’ve been busy with many things in NG, ones that are not easy to describe without writing a big post, which I’m lazy to do, because that distracts from coding xD So anyways, follows just a sidenote pic:

2014-08-26 small pier

Small pier

I’m not sure if this will work out into passable bridges or just a small decorative object.


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Live progress #24 – Terrain got some Fog Of War

Since we are now in fair 3D, it’s time to use some clever tricks. One of such is terrain Fog Of War (FOW).

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Live progress #23 – GUI changes

I’m a bit lazy to write news, but the coding and drawing goes on. Want to see some GUI improvements – proceed inside:

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