Live progress #19 – tiles morphing, again

Last week was low on progress.

What has been done:

  • I have finally overhauled tiles morphing algorithm into something that is not hacky. The old method was relying on many assumptions about tiles and heights, that were not always true. I even had to resort to Math.StackExchange QA site, solution came while formulating the question (question)
  • Jery has been working on fixing the undo/redo in MapEditor, fixing a few other bugs along the way.

Now hopefully I will have move on to more interesting areas 🙂

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Here’s another idea mentioned by TheDarkLord in the previous ideas topic: Camp-Wagons (CW for short). CWs could enrich the game by allowing the player to choose where his town will start. It could be an interesting addition to the game.

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Live progress #18 – icons, bows and tiles

  • Revisiting icons – tweaked some old ones and made some new ones:

ware_wood        misc_house_repair        house_quary

Wood ware icon got a deeper shade, new repair icon (might be used for Build menu instead?), and a Quarry icon (might add a stone to the left corner). Icons are scaled x2 from the actual size for preview purposes.

  • Made a placeholder walking rig for the bowman:


I’m planning the bow to remain that simple. Next tier bowman will have a much better one (probably a long-bow?). Quiver obviously needs more work and some arrows inside.

  • Tileset keeps on bringing trouble. First there was a hard to track typo in the code, next it’s the edge conditions I’m debugging which once again require to rewrite some code because there are more conditions affecting it than I had expected. Alongside this funny screen has emerged:


  • And number of ingame fixes as usual
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Camp/Store transition thoughts

The goal of it:

  • Visual – to make it look consistent with a small village and a big town later on.
  • Gameplay – strategic decision to choose the right moment to do an upgrade. Too early in the game will waste time and stall the development. Too late in the game will stall the advanced wares/warfare production.
  • Gameplay – simplified start for newbies, so that they are not overwhelmed by amount of options and wares at the start (campaign missions 1-2).

Key points for a camp:

  • Limited capacity – maximum 50 of each ware.
  • Limited set of wares (only basic stuff, up to Gold perhaps).

Usually it is the Camp that the player starts the mission with (unless there’s a more developed town). Player can build any number of Camps. Both Camp and Store take the same space (4×4 tiles). Camp is transformed into a Store via upgrade. While upgrade in the progress, Camp keep functioning as usual. Once the upgrade is complete – additional storage space is unlocked. Upgrade button is located within Camp user-interface and available only if the required amount of building materials are inside.

From what I recall, AoE had a similar Store upgrade that would trigger advancement into a next age (Bronze, Metal, etc). There the upgrade was quite epic in cost and time.

As usual, feedback is welcome!

Do you know examples of similar functionality in other games, how do they work and what pros/cons do they have?

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Live progress #16 – with axe in hands

These weeks summer came to city, the weather is hot and distractions are plenty. Still there is some progress report (pics inside).

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Unit animations

Unit animations receiving an overhaul. According to new rendering engine, everything should change from fixed-step to floating-step.

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New house/location concept – Stash

Let’s start a new category of posts, called “Ideas”. Here I will post ideas about the game. Here’s the first one – a new house called “Stash”.

Goal. This is a non-player structure placed on the map which can hold an amount of wares in it. Much like storehouses with coal and iron placed on the map in the older days. The difference is that the “Stash” house will serve only this role and presumably will fit in with the mission story better.

Looks are not defined, but it has to be something man-made, like an outpost or a parked wagon, maybe a tent.

Problems: How to let the player to access the wares? Building a road just to evacuate the wares is silly. Maybe have a special “raider” unit that can “steal” things from such stashes and enemy stores, a wagon/cart?

Feedback is very welcome!

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Food role in the game

Food plays major role in the game. Let’s try to understand why and what we can do about it:

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Live progress #15 – or the lack of it

There are not many news since 07/05, there were long weekend holidays dedicated to WWII victory which I spent in Belarus, seeing locals. Besides, the weather is so nice, that concentrating on programming is really hard now 🙂

Anyway, what’s been done – I’m revising unit animations and rigging. Animations will have more info in them and will be more tightly coupled with the balance, so that for example archers animation description will hold aiming moment and aiming delay. That will allow to fine-tune the balance without need to change the animation. For the moment it’s more of a thinking that coding phase.

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Artwork 2

Looking at neighbor sketch I took a try at making one of my own. Yep, I can draw a thing or two, although not as easily. It’s time to remember how it’s done after years. Hardest part is choosing the right character in the right pose. For that I browsed through several dozens of references, until the right one was found. A figure in action. Meet the archer – affordable ranged threat of the battlegrounds:

Archer D


This exact archer is a good example of his kind. He has no noble roots nor fancy outfit – a true man from the crowd, who took short training courses in archery and was given a bow. His protection is very light – just basic leather coat, so that his movements and aiming are swift and precise.

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