Alpha 8.2

New Alpha 8.2 has just one critical bugfix. In Alpha 8.1 the game would crash upon warriors death. This has been fixed now.

Download links:

Knights Province Alpha 8.2 (7z package)


Discussion forum:

Posted in Downloads, News | 2 Comments

Alpha 8.1

Fixed bugs:
+ Having selected a neutral unit that is about to be dead (killed) causes a crash
+ Camera changes height too noticeable on panning across mountains
+ Camera does not move smoothly when dragging over minimap
+ Desert 1v1 lacks stone deposits
+ Recruits are not shown on statistics
+ When creating new map, terrian selected in menu does not match the terrain in MapEd
+ Updated and renamed Desert to DustyDay
+ MapEditor won’t load developers SP maps for editing from main menu
+ Gameplay key shortcuts in readme.html needs to be updated to include new spacebar function that rotates house construction blueprints
+ Serf should be able to “give” building materials to building Towers from any side
+ Game crashes if log gets deleted midplay
+ Game crashes when serf does delivery to a house that is destroyed meanwhile
+ Game crashes when unit walks into destroying house
+ Game crashes when serf tries to take ware from destroying house
+ Game crashes when fort with training orders is being destroyed
+ BadNeighbours and TheIronWolf maps did not allow to build Cottages
+ Deleting groups in MapEd does not work

Download links:

[Download not found]


Discussion forum:

Posted in Downloads, News | 2 Comments

Bugfixing Alpha 8

It has been almost 2 weeks since Alpha 8 release. There are many bugreports and suggestions – thank you for that!

Bugfixing goes on. I’m also using a nice little tool called Runner, which runs the game without display (e.g. 45min of 4 player skirmish on Crossing takes just 9sec). Recently I have added several more modes to it, which includes killing of random unit and houses. This unearthed another good source of bugs.

Following bugs have been reported, found and fixed and will be included in Alpha 8.1:

+ Having selected a neutral unit that is about to be dead (killed) causes a crash
+ Camera changes height too noticeable on panning across mountains
+ Camera does not move smoothly when dragging over minimap
+ Desert 1v1 lacks stone deposits
+ Recruits are not shown on statistics
+ When creating new map, terrian selected in menu does not match the terrain in MapEd
+ Updated and renamed Desert to DustyDay
+ MapEditor won’t load developers SP maps for editing from main menu
+ Gameplay key shortcuts in readme.html needs to be updated to include new spacebar function that rotates house construction blueprints
+ Serf should be able to “give” building materials to building Towers from any side
+ Game crashes if log gets deleted midplay
+ Game crashes when serf does delivery to a house that is destroyed meanwhile
+ Game crashes when unit walks into destroying house
+ Game crashes when serf tries to take ware from destroying house
+ Game crashes when fort with training orders is being destroyed
+ BadNeighbours and TheIronWolf maps did not allow to build Cottages

Posted in Live progress, Sidenotes | 2 Comments

Alpha 8 is ready!

Alpha 8 is ready!


Change list is quite big:

Gameplay mechanics:

  • Rigged Cottages to spawn Blank units
  • Units get trained from Blanks now
  • Wool/Cloth/Recruits removed
  • Warriors take small time to train now
  • Units can be stacked in training queues now
  • Stockpiles
  • Story messages instantiated from dynamic script

Visual mechanics:

  • Rotate houses to face South or West (using spacebar)
  • Set default view from South-West
  • Revised viewport controls and added Q/E to change heading angle
  • Rotate minimap on camera heading change
  • Distinct Units/Houses sight radiuses though fog of war
  • Fog of war GPU optimizations

Map Editing:

  • Automation tools in MapEd (forest, mountains, stone)
  • Choice of terrain type when creating a new map
  • Terrain painting has area of effect now (ground, mountains, water)

Game content:

  • New skirmish 8 players map – “Wheel”
  • 2 new campaign maps – “Citizens” and “Army”
  • 2 new single-player maps by Petr – “Desert” and “Minicampaign”
  • Baker and Carpenter 3D models (not animated yet)
  • Placeholder Axefighter model from Militia model
  • Placeholder mounted units
  • New terrain objects (birch tree, log)
  • Minimap alerts (beacon, attacked, hungry troops)
  • House notifications with icons (no worker, no road, no fish, no ore, no trees)
  • Group orders icons

Other improvements:

  • Fixed forms snapping in GUI
  • Replay button glyphs
  • Large-scale texture variations on terrain
  • FadeIn FadeOut effects on hints
  • Fixed “unlimited” button in workshops
  • Improved Iron/Gold mines wire outlines when placing their plans
  • Slightly rotate houses on placement to break the monotony
  • Allowed to rename players through dynamic script
  • Story missions show description text from libx in menu
  • Fixed jittery warriors animations
  • Added tips to loading screen

As usual – this is still Alpha, there are likely a lot of bugs, flaws, incomplete features, broken mechanics and such. Please report them and also your thoughts on what should be different and why.

Download links:

Knights Province Alpha 8 (7z package)

Discussion forum:

Posted in Downloads, News | 16 Comments

A dozen of ways to loose a unit

I’ve been categorizing and refactoring unit deaths in the game. Made this comment block in the code. Might be interesting for you to see it too:

// Killing of a unit is done in 4 big steps
// 1. KillUnit - unit is doomed to die (could be next tick, if unit is doing exchange).
// - Fire event
// - Register statistic
// 2. KillInternally - we can kill it now (exchange interactions are done)
// - Abandon old tasks
// - Create and execute Die task (exits house, shows animation, takes ~20 ticks)
// 3. KillFinalize - erase all unit data and hide it from further access
// 4. Delete - when unit has no pointers left

// KillUnit usages
// A L - gic_TempKillUnit (kills any selected unit)
// S G - UnitOwnerChange (from script, or capturing a wagon. Kills old and creates new)
// A/S L - ScriptingActions.UnitKill (kills any unit)
// S L - CheckAnimalIsStuck (kills any stuck unit)
// A L - Unit.HitPointsDecrease (killed by enemy)
// A L - fCondition <= 0 (any unit could die of hunger any time. training units get their condition topped manually, yet script can reset any condition back to 0)
// S - - TrainingCancel (kill wip unit)
// S U - UnitTrainingEnd (kill Blank unit)
// S L - FindPlaceForUnit fail (extra units get killed when house is destroyed)
// S L - DeleteUnit (by MapEd)
// S - - TKMUnitTaskDie (final result of Die task)
// S C - TKMUnitTaskWagonGoHouse (wagon entering house)

// A - animated death
// S - silent kill

// L - Lost
// U - Upgraded
// G - GivenAway
// C - Consumed

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Skirmish equalization improved

I had some doubts about how to handle “Skirmish” setup in MapEditor. Cos there are plenty of ways for Skirmish maps to be made made “unfair” (placement of resources, dynamic script, etc..). So I thought that maybe the MapEd should not be so strict about the “Skirmish” setting …

Ideally I’d want to pop up a dialogue with settings – which aspects of the mission should be (or should be not) equalized. So the setting is more helpful than restricting. But that would take some time to implement ..

.. two hours later ..

So what “Story/Skirmish” does now is just sets the flag to “Story” or pops up a “Skirmish setup” menu. Actual Skirmish “equalization” happens in “Skirmish setup”, where you can choose what to “equalize”.

New settings could appear there later in development (e.g. indicators of existing unfairnesses or more detailed descriptions, or something else related).

Posted in Live progress | 5 Comments

Terrain Triggers – another feature into Alpha 8

There’s one more feature I want to include into Alpha 8 – terrain triggers.

Terrain triggers are special zones placed in MapEd, that trigger dynamic script events when a unit enters into the zone. This is very helpfull for story missions scripting. With that feature, events could be triggered once and then removed/disabled if not needed.

Posted in Ideas, Live progress, Sidenotes | 13 Comments

Faking horses

Alpha 8 is mostly ready. I’d guess it will take another week or two before it’s released.

Now I’m looking into making some final touches to it. For example until there are proper designs and models for mounted units – here are some fake horses to distinct kinds of troops:

You can also see new group orders icons.

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots | 17 Comments

All notifications together

Made these notifications and updated the games’ code to show them in appropriate situations:

Posted in Live progress, Sidenotes | 5 Comments

House notifications icons

After watching second part of Knights Province play ( I’ve decided to look into house notifications. As of Alpha 7.1, they indicate when a house if missing a worker, or a connecting road (these are 2 very popular situations for new players). In Alpha 7.1 those notifications are rather vague and easy to miss in the background. So I’m drawing new icons for them. Here is the style:

Icons are good at attracting attention, as they should, but I’m not entirely happy about the style – it looks a bit “artificial”.

Key thought on the matter:

  • games do have artificial elements all over them (take “magic” GUI for example).
  • a town with dozens of these icons could look “crowded”.
  • this is an RTS, genre where you need to manage a lot of different things and every help from the game is appreciated.
  • “float-above” notifications are more affordable than arriving messages, which need to opened, read, clicked “go to”, finding an outlined/highlighted house and only then seeing a problematic house.
  • perhaps notifications can become houses “thoughts”. I need to think more in that direction ..

Until then, this is what I’ve been working on today (and refactoring controls render overall) 🙂

Posted in Ideas, Live progress, Screenshots | 10 Comments