I had some doubts about how to handle “Skirmish” setup in MapEditor. Cos there are plenty of ways for Skirmish maps to be made made “unfair” (placement of resources, dynamic script, etc..). So I thought that maybe the MapEd should not be so strict about the “Skirmish” setting …
Ideally I’d want to pop up a dialogue with settings – which aspects of the mission should be (or should be not) equalized. So the setting is more helpful than restricting. But that would take some time to implement ..
.. two hours later ..
So what “Story/Skirmish” does now is just sets the flag to “Story” or pops up a “Skirmish setup” menu. Actual Skirmish “equalization” happens in “Skirmish setup”, where you can choose what to “equalize”.
New settings could appear there later in development (e.g. indicators of existing unfairnesses or more detailed descriptions, or something else related).